Invaluable learning experience at SANOG 30
Guest Post: Bhumika Sapkota shares her highlights attending SANOG 30 as one of 14 fellows.
Guest Post: Bhumika Sapkota shares her highlights attending SANOG 30 as one of 14 fellows.
The 30th South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG) conference — SANOG 30 — was held in Gurgaon, India, from 10 to 18 July 2017.
Around 75 people attended the 20th Pacific Network Operators Group (PacNOG) meeting held in Suva, Fiji, earlier this month.
APNIC participated at the 28th TWNIC OPM held in conjunction with the TWNOG 2017 meeting in Taipei, Taiwan from 21 to 22 June 2017.
APNIC participated at npNOG 2 from 15 to 18 June 2017, in Kathmandu, Nepal. APNIC also held a Member Gathering for Nepali Members on 18 June.
APNIC participated at the fourth Bhutan Network Operators Group (BhutanNOG 4) meeting on 5 June 2017.
It’s difficult to defend the integrity of your addresses on the Internet if you don’t publicly engage.
APNIC participated at bdNOG 6 in Bogra, Bangladesh from 19 to 23 May 2017.
APNIC participated at the second BKNIX Peering Forum in Bangkok, Thailand, from 16 to 17 May 2017.
Guest Post: Last year, Nepal proudly joined 12 other economies in the APNIC region when it established its very own Network Operators Group, npNOG.