Crafting endless AS-PATHS in BGP
Guest Post: Combining BGP confederations and AS override can potentially create a BGP routing loop, resulting in an indefinitely expanding AS-PATH.
Guest Post: Combining BGP confederations and AS override can potentially create a BGP routing loop, resulting in an indefinitely expanding AS-PATH.
View and track your networks’ MANRS readiness scores in APNIC’s DASH.
Guest Post: How to conserve IPv4 addresses with IGP Babel.
BGP over QUIC, a BCP for publication servers, and AS Path protection at IETF 120.
How can a CDN steer users to optimize content delivery, and how does this affect user privacy?
Guest Post: A case study of critical Dutch infrastructures.
Bgpipe, reclaiming class E space, reconsidering RPKI validation, low-latency RPKI validation, and revisiting BCP 194.
Guest Post: With BGPKIT Monocle, users can glance at routing stats for any ASN, economy, or the whole Internet or look up prefix origins and examine their RPKI validation status as well as prefix visibility on global routing tables.
Guest Post: Examining iptables performance when filtering traffic at different processing stages within a Linux-based router.
The role of DNS in steering how content is fetched and the changing landscape of decision-making for applications-level routing.