Five years of IPv6: whither the next five?
There isn’t one story to the IPv6 deployment timeline – it can be rapid or slow, bumpy or smooth – but it is ‘up and to the right’.
There isn’t one story to the IPv6 deployment timeline – it can be rapid or slow, bumpy or smooth – but it is ‘up and to the right’.
Guest Post: TechGIRL founder and organizer, Hiroko Kamata, shares how the event began and her tips for creating events for female engineers to share experiences.
Guest Post: TechGIRL is a relaxing and fun event in Japan for women and men to share technical and work life experiences with others in the tech community.
Guest Post: Learn about the peering characteristics of Japan Internet Exchange.
Guest Post: Recent announcements made by three leading mobile carriers suggest Japan’s IPv6 capabilities are set to increase in 2017.
Guest Post: The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center Japan share details of their new interactive cybersecurity training, CyberQuest, which allows participants to experience simulated cyber attacks.
Guest Post: Internet and language linguistic experts from China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan have been working together to reduce unsolved IDN Han characters for new gTLD applications.
There are encouraging trends in IPv6 end-user readiness among APEC economies.
The 54th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Telecommunications and Information Working Group was recently held in Kyoto, Japan.
APNIC staff recently participated at the Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team’s Annual General Meeting and Conference, APCERT 2016, held in Tokyo, Japan.