IPv6 anycast possibly done better
Guest Post: After years of being used sparsely for UDP-based services such as DNS, anycasting IP space has become quite a meme in the networking world.
Guest Post: After years of being used sparsely for UDP-based services such as DNS, anycasting IP space has become quite a meme in the networking world.
The current state of naming models in the Home Networking (homenet) WG is quite a complex problem because there are at least two goals, and they may not entirely converge.
Guest Post: Should ISPs assign a /48 or a /56 to customers in their IPv6 address plans? Jordi Palet Martinez answers this question and more in part two of his IPv6 addressing article.
Guest Post: In the first part of a two-part article, Jordi Palet Martinez suggests IPv6 addressing plan considerations for ISPs serving residential and SOHO customers.
A look at Google’s delay-controlled TCP flow control algorithm, called BBR.
Guest Post: IDN Foundation tries to help teachers/lecturers in Indonesia gain real industry experience. Our goal is to develop the next generation of network engineers.
What role will name-based services play in the future of home networks?
Guest Post: Tom Hollingsworth discusses the growing trend of network complexity and the need for simplicity.
Two BoF sessions at IETF 96 discussed the merits of using UDP as an end-to-end transport service substrate – with different reactions.
IoT discussions are increasingly focused on application-level standards, exploring how IoT devices can exploit secure reliable byte streams to communicate their capabilities and command/control logic.