Reflections of intent
Guest Post: When dealing with BGP issues, the source is often several steps removed from the result of the problem, making it difficult to resolve.
Guest Post: When dealing with BGP issues, the source is often several steps removed from the result of the problem, making it difficult to resolve.
Guest Post: XDP allows you to build a high-performance peering router using just Linux, while leveraging various open-source routing daemons.
Why are the number of invalid routes increasing at the same time as the number of valid routes?
What can network operators do to ensure they are contributing to a healthy Internet ecosystem?
Guest Post: New traffic engineering system, FlowDirector, reduces traffic overheads for large CDNs on long-haul links by 15%.
Guest Post: Results from the first comprehensive, longitudinal study of the deployment and quality of RPKI.
APNIC will deliver a four-day Advanced BGP and ROV workshop from 13 to 16 April 2020 in Puchong, Selangor.
Part two of Geoff’s BGP report for 2019 assesses whether the stability of the routing system is changing.
Geoff Huston analyses BGP routing table growth with some predictions for the size of the IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing tables in the next five years.
Review 2019 through Geoff Huston’s eyes, with three of his best posts from the year past.