iOS upgrade using network automation tools
How I leveraged APNIC Academy training into real-world productivity.
How I leveraged APNIC Academy training into real-world productivity.
Guest Post: How submarine cable transmission technologies are evolving to support more capacity over longer distances.
Guest Post: A holistic view of the Internet in the Philippines.
The APNIC Hackathon at APRICOT 2023 produced some impressive results on the topic ‘IPv6 Diagnostics Framework’
Guest Post: The status of ROA registration in the IX segment, and the way forward.
27 participants and six National Coordinators from the Switch! project attended APRICOT 2023. Here’s their experience.
Guest Post: What Auckland University learned from testing Starlink in the field (and a cyclone).
20 NOGs met to share recent updates and showcase NOG activities at APRICOT 2023.
Guest Post: How much is network automation actually deployed, in production, today?
A lively discussion of operational issues and best practices that help to secure global Internet routing.