APNIC and the APNIC Foundation supported and participated in the APrIGF 2023 in Brisbane, Australia from 28 August to 1 September 2023. APrIGF 2023 was co-located with NetThing 2023 and PacIGF 2023.
The overarching theme of the event was ‘Emerging Technologies – Is Asia Pacific Ready for the Next Phase of the Internet?’.
APNIC activities
NetThing 2023
- Terry Sweetser participated as a panellist in the session on ‘Australia’s Internet resilience extends beyond its borders’.
- Pablo Hinojosa moderated the session on ‘Multistakeholder governance for the future – where next and how to get there’.
- Paul Wilson participated as a panellist in the session on ‘Co-operation and Collaboration: NetThing and our opportunity to support the future of Internet governance’.
- APNIC provided Zoom support and the live stream for this event.
APrIGF 2023
- Omar Ansari moderated the session on ‘Investing in professional development for a diverse workforce in APAC: challenges and opportunities’.
- Pablo participated as a panellist in the session on ‘Breaking security for ‘online safety’: What’s at stake for Asia Pacific’.
- Sylvia Cadena moderated the session on ‘Sustainability of Complementary Connectivity Initiatives’ and presented on the APNIC Foundation’s support in this area.
- Paul participated as a panellist in the session on ‘Evolving Internet governance for the next phase of the Internet’; in the Closing Plenary, which discussed ‘Ensuring regional priorities are reflected in the changing world of Internet governance’; and in the Parliamentary Track on ‘Where policy meets technology: Parliamentarians and the Technical Community’, which Sylvia moderated.
- Joyce Chen moderated the session on ‘Is fragmentation the future of the Internet and how can we resist?’, and was a speaker at the Parliamentary Track, ‘From local to global: Setting the scene for the annual IGF by including a regional perspective’ and the IGF Youth Track Workshop III session ‘Empowering Young People in navigating privacy, security, and freedom in the digital universe’.
- Pablo and Joyce also spoke at the yIGF session on ‘Meetup with Industry Experts: Navigating the Digital Career Labyrinth’.
The live stream of the entire event is available to view. Following the event, APrIGF 2023 participants were invited to the APNIC office for a welcome breakfast.
PacIGF 2023
APNIC supported eight fellows from the Pacific to participate in the PacIGF 2023.
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