Stalloris: RPKI downgrade attack
Guest Post: Exploiting routing decisions made in BGP when networks cannot retrieve RPKI information from publication points.
Guest Post: Exploiting routing decisions made in BGP when networks cannot retrieve RPKI information from publication points.
Guest Post: A single Internet connected device employing EUI-64 can enable tracking of other devices, even if all other devices use privacy mechanisms such as IPv6 privacy extensions and the ISP employs prefix rotation.
Guest Post: Get to know RFC 9099, which analyses the operational security issues associated with deploying IPv6.
A new feature in DASH offers configurable triggered alerts as email messages.
Guest Post: Did you know you can use Wireshark to find which specific packet triggered a Snort rule within a few seconds?
This face-to-face APNIC Academy workshop in Singapore will examine best practices to protect data and assets from potential attacks or abuse.
Guest Post: How to mitigate an attack that can bypass security features of shared CDNs.
Guest Post: 80% of DDoS attacks can be reduced by patching 20% of open DNS resolvers.
Guest Post: IPSec has had issues; is it ready to be deployed to a large-scale multi-vendor network?
Guest Post: New system makes observed traffic metadata independent of the real traffic in Wide Area Networks.