DNS at IETF 118
Domain Control Validation, generalized notify, Compact Denial of Existence, and other areas of activity in DNS-related Working Groups.
Domain Control Validation, generalized notify, Compact Denial of Existence, and other areas of activity in DNS-related Working Groups.
Guest Post: Measuring DNS abuse is difficult. What are the obstacles?
Why mandating IPv6 DNS transport requires careful thinking in specifications.
Guest Post: Quantifying the problem of ‘echoing resolvers’ in the wild.
Duane Wessels discusses caching failure in the DNS.
Guest Post: Quantifying the impact of domain parking on the DNS ecosystem.
Guest Post: A comprehensive, longitudinal characterization of DNS queries received at B-Root over ten years.
Observations on DNS topics picked up from the OARC 41 meeting’s presentations.
Guest Post: A study of the implementation and deployment of RFC 8914 Extended DNS Error (EDE) codes.
Guest Post: A look at modern day cache poisoning attacks on the integrity of the DNS.