CDNs and cloud providers join MANRS to improve routing security
Guest Post: New programme provides CDNs and cloud providers an opportunity to demonstrate attention to security and sustainability.
Guest Post: New programme provides CDNs and cloud providers an opportunity to demonstrate attention to security and sustainability.
Guest Post: New traffic engineering system, FlowDirector, reduces traffic overheads for large CDNs on long-haul links by 15%.
Guest Post: Study looks at why DNSSEC deployment remains so slow (and hard) in CDNs.
Guest Post: Verizon Media shares its experience using BBR to deliver traffic from its caches.
Guest Post: Emir Beganović investigates commercial CDN performance using RIPE Atlas.
Guest Post: Netflix Open Connect is a purpose-built Content Delivery Network responsible for serving 100% of its video traffic.
Network and service operators, regulators, researchers and academics recently gathered to discuss the economics of the Internet, including the implications of a post-net neutrality network.
Guest Post: Verizon Digital Media Services share their experience using RIPE Atlas to better understand the behaviour of end user networks.