Welcome to APRICOT 2015!
2015 APRICOT e yōkoso. Welcome to APRICOT 2015 conference week. We hope you have an enjoyable week here in Fukuoka, Japan.
2015 APRICOT e yōkoso. Welcome to APRICOT 2015 conference week. We hope you have an enjoyable week here in Fukuoka, Japan.
ICANN 52 was the third ICANN meeting to be held in Singapore in five years, with 1,793 delegates attending.
Guest Post: To have the NETmundial Initiative better serve the Internet, your input is indispensable, and it is you that can help to establish a firm base on which it is crafted.
Izumi Okutani, Craig Ng and Paul Wilson discuss the latest developments in the IANA Stewardship Transition process following two days of meetings in Singapore.
APNIC attended the PITA Member Meeting and PTC’15 from January 17-21 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
A huge milestone was achieved this morning when the CRISP team submitted the finalized response document to the ICG (IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group).
The top three posts on Internet governance topics from 2014.
The CRISP team met twice this week and the draft response to the Request for Proposal for IANA stewardship transition is scheduled to be released to the community later today for feedback.
Last night, the CRISP team met for the second time this week.
A document summarising the proposals made by APNIC, RIPE NCC and LACNIC for their respective community’s consideration.