The CRISP team met on two consecutive evenings on 17 and 18 December 2014, to agree on a draft response to the ICG’s* Request for Proposal for IANA stewardship transition. The draft response is scheduled to be released to the community later today for public consultation. This initial public consultation period will end on 5 January 2015.
[EDIT: The draft response has now been published.]
The draft response will propose that:
- ICANN will continue to be the operator of the number resources part of the IANA functions;
- The service specifications that ICANN will deliver to the RIRs will be recorded in a document described as the IANA Service Level Agreement (SLA);
- The NRO will empanel a “Review Committee” (with a name to be decided), which will be tasked with reviewing and reporting to the community and the NRO, about whether ICANN has performed its obligations under the SLA to the specified standards.
CRISP is working towards the following timeline:
First draft published: 19 Dec 2014
First draft comments close: 5 Jan 2015
Second draft to be published: 8 Jan 2015
Second draft comments close: 12 Jan 2015
Final proposal to be sent to ICG: 15 Jan 2015
More information will be posted shortly, including how community members can have their questions answered, and post comments about the current proposal.
* ICG means the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group. More information here: https://www.icann.org/stewardship
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