Opinion: In defence of NATs
Opinion: Rather than being condemned, perhaps we should appreciate the role that NATs play in the evolution of the architecture of the Internet?
Opinion: Rather than being condemned, perhaps we should appreciate the role that NATs play in the evolution of the architecture of the Internet?
Managing the remaining IPv4 /8, leasing address space, and IPv6 allocation procedures are among the proposals to be discussed at the three-session Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 44 next month.
APNIC staff participated at ICANN 59 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Guest Post: My experience as an ICANN fellow highlighted Internet issues beyond the purely technical.
APNIC participated at ICANN 58, held from 11 to 16 March in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Large network operators recently shared their IPv6 deployment stories and how they’re working towards an IPv6-only future.
What changed in Internet addressing in 2016? Geoff Huston examines the numbers and trends.
Geoff Huston analyses BGP trends for 2016 and offers his predictions for IPv4 and IPv6 BGP tables sizes for the next five years.
More than 1,600 guests from over 110 countries and regions attended the third World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, China.
Over 3,140 people attended ICANN 57, held recently in Hyderabad, India.