APNIC will deliver three, one-day tutorials at APAN 47, which is to be held from 18 to 22 February 2019, in Daejeon, South Korea.
Register now to secure your place.
SDN tutorial
This tutorial is targeted towards network engineers or researchers who want to understand more about Software Defined Networking (SDN) from a vendor-neutral point of view.
It will be a high-level attempt at answering common questions about SDN, taking into account the reality of closed proprietary vendor implementations, and our hope for an open, programmable and agile network infrastructure. It is an attempt at distinguishing the hype from reality.
DNS/DNSSEC tutorial
This tutorial examines the mechanisms to authenticate the communication between DNS servers, including establishing the authenticity and integrity of DNS data, and delegating trust.
Participants will also learn about DNS concepts and security mechanisms, particularly DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC).
Topics to be covered include:
- DNS protocol vulnerabilities
- DNS security concepts
- Implementing DNSSEC
- DNSSEC key management
Network Security tutorial
This tutorial examines the characteristic security threats and motivations that drive malicious activity. Participants will learn to use a range of tools to identify, respond to, and mitigate attacks.
Topics to be covered include:
- Network security fundamentals
- Securing different layers
- Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure
- Network infrastructure security
- Monitoring and managing access
- Network analysis and forensics
Visit the APAN 47 website for further details and to register.
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