Over the Top media to be examined at HKNOG 2.1

By on 2 Mar 2016

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Friday 18 March 2016 marks an important day for Internet professionals in Hong Kong with the Hong Kong Network Operators Group (HKNOG) hosting another of its half-day events, at Admiralty Conference Centre in Hong Kong.

Register now for HKNOG2.1

HKNOG meetings provide Internet professionals the chance to meet and exchange knowledge about a range of current topics. One topic that is of particular interest in Hong Kong at the moment is “Over the Top” (OTT) media.

In the past two years, new TV broadcasting licensing issues and financial turmoil at an existing legacy TV broadcaster have made the broadcasting industry hotter than ever in Hong Kong. Newcomers in this industry are relying on broadband Internet to deliver content instead of using traditional terrestrial broadcast, and with it establishing a new era of OTT media.

To examine this interesting topic, we’ve invited new players in OTT media to share the technology and operations side of OTT with HKNOG participants. Mr. Yoshinobu Matsuzaki of IIJ will share his view on Traffic and Trends of OTT, Mr. Ian Chiu at Netflix will present on the Netflix Open Connect technology, Mr. Eric Fan of UDomain will talk about his pain with live streaming in Hong Kong, and Dr. Derek Wang at AliCloud will inform the audience of how to “Build the World on Cloud Together”.

Besides OTT topics, we are pleased to have Ms. Izumi Okutani from JPNIC, who will share information on the IANA Stewardship Transition with us. We’ll also have a technology update on DWDM from Mr. Lucas Hui of BTI presenting “The Path to Disaggregation”, and hear from Mr. Ivan Cheng of Level 3, who will be presenting “Preparing for the Future of the Internet : Performance and Security Matter”; and Mr. CF Chui from Arbor Networks who will be sharing Arbor’s annual security report update.

Outside of keeping our members well informed through these meetings, one of the goals of HKNOG is to create a “ human networking” experience. As such, HKNOG2.1 would not be complete without a social event after the classroom presentations, with longtime supporter Equinix supporting drinks at the nearby Dan Ryan’s Restaurant.

Mark HKNOG2.1 in your calendar and register today, so you don’t miss out http://hknog21.eventbrite.com/

Wai-Kay Shiu is a member of HKNOG. He works as a Telecommunications Engineer at the Hong Kong Police Force.

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