Actioning your Survey feedback
The APNIC Secretariat has today published an online tracker so you can see how your Survey feedback is being actioned.
The APNIC Secretariat has today published an online tracker so you can see how your Survey feedback is being actioned.
Jed Laundry gave a brief impassioned call-to-arms for commonality
Jon Brewer from NSRC presented at NZNOG on the Pacific networking scene.
Dean Pemberton gave an impassioned talk about mapping the participants in peering at exchangepoints (IXP).
Tim Nagy from Juniper presented on the virtual router model.
Guest post: Jahangir Hossain outlines his experiences as an IGF secretariat fellow and the things he has learned about Internet Governance.
Just some of GGM’s favourite (Internet-related) things
The 25th South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG) conference was held in Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 to 24 January 2015.
Guest Post: The establishment of the Vanuatu IXP has significantly improved Internet experience for the local community
No doubt we have all heard that the Internet is really quite big. Is there anyway to “see” the entirety of this network?