During a five-day visit to Seoul from 7 to 11 July, I met with the Korea Internet Security Agency-Korea Network Information Centre (KISA KRNIC), along with other key Internet industry organizations, to discuss IPv6 adoption and explore opportunities to collaborate in the future.
KISA KRNIC has committed significant effort and resources to support the Korea Internet industry in adopting IPv6. Given the rapid growth of mobile network subscriptions, KISA KRNIC, in particular, is working closely with Korea’s ISPs and mobile network operators to encourage IPv6 adoption. Some of KISA KRNIC’s activities include:
- Establishing an IPv6 Support Centre in May 2014 to monitor the growth of IPv6 readiness in Korea
- Working closely with the Korea Neutral Internet Exchange (KINX) to provide consultation services to enterprises in Korea on how to adopt IPv6
- Appointing a training facilitator to coordinate a large number of IPv6 related trainings. KISA KRNIC aim to train 1,400 network engineers in 2014
During my visit, I was able to share APNIC’s IPv6 deployment status update with the KISA KRNIC teams and learned more about their work on IPv6.
I also visited Korea’s three major network operators, KT, LGU+ and SK Telecom. All three organizations have been researching IPv6 transition technologies, monitoring and planning their remaining IPv4 address usage for their business growth, and planning their future direction and strategies on IPv6 adoption. I was able to share current IPv6 information with them (in particular, content that was presented at previous APNIC and APRICOT conferences) and encouraged them to attend future conferences to share their experiences and lessons learned with other network operators in the region.
APNIC and KISA KRNIC will continue to explore possible collaborative opportunities in the IPv6 capacity development area.
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