Efficient multipath transport with QUIC in large-scale video services
Guest Post: Alibaba shares their experience developing XLINK, a multipath extension for QUIC.
Guest Post: Alibaba shares their experience developing XLINK, a multipath extension for QUIC.
Slack’s DNSSEC debacle, NSEC problems, Measuring DNSSEC, and more from DNS-OARC 36.
Guest Post: How resilient are LEO satellite networks to DDoS attacks?
APNIC’s Geoff Huston presented on active vs passive DNS measurements at the DINR 2021 Virtual Workshop, held online from 16 to 17 November 2021.
Guest Post: Network operators should regularly check their RFD configurations for harmful vendor defaults.
Guest Post: Study shows ease-to-deploy and cost are important factors when it comes to using DNS security mechanisms.
Guest Post: New anycast technique reduces average RTT between clients and anycast servers by 43.4%.
Presentations at DINR 2021 demonstrated a world of detail and complexity in current DNS research.
Guest Post: Study provides first analysis into the operations of a real-world IP Exchange Provider with a large platform serving customers in 19 economies.
Guest Post: Study finds more than 40 STARTTLS-related security flaws in many different software products, both client-side and server-side.