Down the black hole: Dismantling operational practices of BGP blackholing at IXPs
Guest Post: Study analyzes the efficiency of RTBH as a mitigation tool at one of the world’s largest IXPs.
Guest Post: Study analyzes the efficiency of RTBH as a mitigation tool at one of the world’s largest IXPs.
Last year’s DDoS attacks on Cambodia’s ISPs have been a wake up call to the industry.
Guest Post: Steinthor Bjarnason concludes a three-part series on DDoS attacks, focusing on blocking well-known attack vectors and using realtime monitoring.
Guest Post: Steinthor Bjarnason details SSDP and memcached DDoS attacks and how to mitigate them.
Guest Post: Steinthor Bjarnason discusses recent DDoS trends, and details carpet bombing attacks and how to mitigate them.
Here are a few moments I’ve captured from the first two days of the RIPE 77 meeting happening this week.
Guest Post: The SISSDEN project operates a network of honeypots that detect on average around 10,000 amplification DDoS attacks per day.
Guest Post: Volumetric DDoS attacks have scaled back a bit in sheer size, but continue to increase in frequency.
Guest Post: Be prepared! Get to know the facts about amplification DDoS attacks.
Relatively minor changes to recursive resolvers could make a significant difference to the operation of the DNS as a whole.