IETF92: BGPdump2 presented at IEPG by Yasuhiro Ohara
At the IEPG session at IETF92, Dallas, Yasuhiro Ohara from NTT showed his BGP tool bgpdump2. This is a really sweet package which can be used to compare BGP RIB dumps.
At the IEPG session at IETF92, Dallas, Yasuhiro Ohara from NTT showed his BGP tool bgpdump2. This is a really sweet package which can be used to compare BGP RIB dumps.
Geoff Huston outlines some examples of route hijacks from a presentation by Andree Toonk at NANOG 63.
APNIC staff attended and presented at the 2015 NZNOG conference from 26 to 30 January 2015.
The 25th South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG) conference was held in Kandy, Sri Lanka from 16 to 24 January 2015.
No doubt we have all heard that the Internet is really quite big. Is there anyway to “see” the entirety of this network?
What’s the average announcement?
Are you Ready to ROA? Adli Wahid discusses Resource Origin Authorizations and why you should create yours now in MyAPNIC.
The Internet’s Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is one of the most critical components of today’s Internet. However, it does not just work all by itself, and within each network the configuration and operation of the routing system are of critical importance.
Nurul Islam outlines the situations where you should do a Legitimacy of Address check to verify any transits to any IP prefixes.
Geoff Huston shares his observations of some of the presentations at NANOG 62, held recently in Baltimore, USA.