BGP communities: A weapon for the Internet (Part 1)
Guest Post: Under some circumstances, BGP communities can be used to drop and redirect traffic.
Guest Post: Under some circumstances, BGP communities can be used to drop and redirect traffic.
Guest Post: To avoid route leaks providers need to implement a stricter filtering policy.
Guest Post: RPKI origination validation and as-set lookup two of multiple new features added to OpenBGPD.
Part two of Geoff’s BGP report for 2018 assesses whether the stability of the routing system is changing.
Guest Post: See what’s new with the BGPMon project.
Geoff Huston analyses BGP routing table growth with some predictions for the size of the IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routing tables in the next five years.
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Thanks to the 100+ guest bloggers who contributed stories to the APNIC Blog in 2018. Here’s three of the best!
Guest Post: New open-sourced tool, BGP Scanner, to assist with increase router analysis demand.
Guest Post: It pays to correctly audit your network before deploying IPv6.