DNS nameservers: Service performance and resilience
How do we provision DNS nameservers today?
How do we provision DNS nameservers today?
How recursive resolvers handle DNS queries and how can administrators optimize nameservers for performance and resilience?
Guest Post: How to redistribute traffic between anycast sites during a DDoS attack.
Guest Post: RFC 9199 presents considerations to improve the security, resilience, and performance for large authoritative DNS server operators.
Slack’s DNSSEC debacle, NSEC problems, Measuring DNSSEC, and more from DNS-OARC 36.
Guest Post: New anycast technique reduces average RTT between clients and anycast servers by 43.4%.
Guest Post: Context is everything when it comes to assessing anycast.
Guest Post: See 90% of all active ASes on the Internet with new anycast testbed.
Guest Post: The open-source DNS tool Anteater allows real time monitoring of operator infrastructure, using their own traffic.
Guest Post: A bit of free time and a desire to experiment led high school student Nate Sales to construct an open source anycast CDN.