When clouds become reflectors
Guest Post: How cloud networks can be misused to carry out DNS-based reflection DDoS attacks.
Guest Post: How cloud networks can be misused to carry out DNS-based reflection DDoS attacks.
Guest Post: Analysing Apple Private Relay’s effects on the Internet and future measurement-based research.
What can IPv4 and IPv6 addressing in 2022 tell us about the changing nature of the network?
Guest Post: How TTL really works and how it can actually be used to increase network security.
Guest Post: Addressing DNS encryption’s vulnerabilities and practical challenges.
How concentrated is service delivery across different market segments of users, and between the supply side and request side.
Guest Post: How global RPKI evolved in 2022.
Guest Post: How to enumerate subdomains in a DNSSEC-enabled zone.
Guest Post: Current deployments of QUIC struggle to shorten latency at low amplification potential.
Guest Post: Measuring the diversity of authoritative NS records in gTLDs.