Connecting mobile community to IPv6: GSMA
We have recently returned from the Mobile World Congress held in Shanghai China, were we have been building awareness of IPv6, chatting with members and building new collaborations.
We have recently returned from the Mobile World Congress held in Shanghai China, were we have been building awareness of IPv6, chatting with members and building new collaborations.
Register before 5 October to take advantage of the Early Bird rate for the 3-day Routing Workshop in Selangor, Malaysia.
Interested in improving your Internet Resource Management skills for free? Want to learn the basics of Routing or IPv6 deployment?
A major new report has confirmed rapid and impressive growth of mobile phones and the Internet in the Pacific region.
From June 29 June to July 3, APNIC Training team organized and delivered a 3-day IPv6 training workshop in Suva, Fiji.
Our IPv6 training guru explains how ISPs are preparing their IP core networks for IPv6 deployment.
Register before 24 August to take advantage of the Early Bird rate for the Routing Workshop in Quezon City, Philippines with Shane Hermoso.
Have you recently joined APNIC as a new Member? Did you know that you are entitled to receive two free training/workshop registrations? Subscribe to the training mailing list to stay up-to-date with APNIC Training.
The APNIC 40 Conference Fellows have been selected. Congratulations to all the recipients.
APNIC Training visits Timor Leste for the first time to deliver training on Internet fundamentals, Internet Resource Management and an Introduction to Network Security.