Encouraging ICP-2 discussions in Japan
There was a lively discussion at the recent Japan IGF and JPOPM 47 on the proposed update to the ICP-2 principles. Feedback is due by Friday, 6 December 2024.
There was a lively discussion at the recent Japan IGF and JPOPM 47 on the proposed update to the ICP-2 principles. Feedback is due by Friday, 6 December 2024.
The APNIC Executive Council, on behalf of APNIC staff and the APNIC community, expresses its condolences to the family and the RIPE Community on the passing away of Rob Blokzijl.
Guest Post: the History of Internet Resources Management in Japan – Focusing on Domain Name and IP Address has been published in English.
Guest Post: The Coordination Council (CC) of NETmundial Initiative (NMI), of which I am a member, had the draft Terms of Reference (ToR) under consideration after the initial consultation for it in February.
Guest Post: The deadline for inputs into the NETmundial Initiative (NMI) Terms of Reference (ToR) has been pushed until Thursday 27 March.
Guest Post: To have the NETmundial Initiative better serve the Internet, your input is indispensable, and it is you that can help to establish a firm base on which it is crafted.
The APNIC Executive Council’s response to the 2014 APNIC Survey results is now available.