[Podcast] Calling time on DNSSEC part 2 of 2

By on 25 Jul 2024

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In his regular monthly spot on PING, APNIC’s Chief Scientist Geoff Huston continues his examination of DNSSEC. In the first part of this two-part story, Geoff explored the problem space, with a review of the comparative failure of DNSSEC to be deployed by zone holders, and the lack of visible validation by the resolvers. APNIC Labs can observe this through carefully designed DNS zones that include both valid and invalid DNSSEC states. These zones are part of Labs’ method for measuring user activity.

This second episode provides some optimism for the future. It examines potential changes to the DNS protocol and the use of existing DNS features to enhance the safety of deploying DNSSEC. Establishing trust in domain names offers significant advantages, especially as a ‘service’ to the widely used Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

Read more about DNSSEC and TLS on the APNIC Labs website and the APNIC Blog:

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