APNIC participated in the 32nd TWNIC IP OPM and TWNOG 3.0 meetings from 20 to 21 June 2019 in Taipei. TWNIC and TWNOG hold these regular meetings to discuss policies and the latest developments relevant to the local Internet operator community.
APNIC activities
- Executive Director of TWNIC and APNIC EC Member, Kenny Huang, gave the opening address to kick off the OPM.
- Che-Hoo Cheng gave a keynote presentation on ROA & ROV deployment.
- APNIC EC Member, Kam Sze Yeung, gave a presentation on the challenges in delivering OTT services.
- George Kuo gave an update on policy development in the Asia Pacific region, including the status of policy proposal implementations.
- George met with representatives of TWNIC to discuss RDAP, RPKI, future ASN delegations, registry consistency and preparations for the NIR workshop at APNIC 48.
TWNOG 3.0:
- Che-Hoo gave a presentation on IXP developments.
- Kam Sze gave a presentation on the Hong Kong Peering Scene and Network Infrastructure.
- George gave an update on APNIC’s product management approach and the new products APNIC is developing — Internet Directory, Dashboard for Autonomous System Health (DASH) and the Network Operators ToolbOX (NetOX).
After these events, George and Che-Hoo met with several APNIC Members to discuss APNIC service initiatives, including the APNIC Academy, IXP operations, root server operations and the IPv4 transfer policy.
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