PTC’17 was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, from 15-18 January 2017, with more than 2,000 registered attendees.
The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) is a non-profit membership organization which aims to advance information and communication technologies in the Pacific Rim, and the annual conference is attended by people from across the global telecommunications industry (including many APNIC Members).
APNIC activities:
- Duncan Macintosh attended the PITA Members meeting, held on 14 January before the main PTC’17 program, and met with several APNIC Members.
- APNIC arranged and held a panel session, IPv6 is Live!, on Sunday, 15 January, with guest speakers from Telekom Malaysia, Telstra, Comcast, LinkedIn, and 6connect. Geoff Huston presented on the panel on behalf of APNIC, with John Curran from ARIN moderating the session.
- Geoff presented on Encryption with DANE at Sunday’s NANOG On the Road session at PTC’17.
- Duncan and Tony Smith met with representatives of the Fijian Government and PiRRC to discuss potential CERT and IXP developments in Fiji.
- Duncan met with representatives of the Asian Development Bank to discuss the APNIC Foundation.
- Tony met with APIA’s Philip Smith to discuss APRICOT 2017 progress.
- Molly Cheam attended PTC’17 as a guest of APIA. Molly participated in discussions between APIA and the PTC Secretariat, and also met with potential APRICOT sponsors.
- APNIC staff met with Members from Fiji, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong and China to discuss training, development and resource needs.
- APNIC staff attended various conference, workshop and roundtable sessions during the event on technology, development and Pacific-focused themes.
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