Event Wrap: Sixth APT Cybersecurity Forum

By on 27 Oct 2015

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APNIC participated at the Sixth Asia Pacific Telecommunity Cybersecurity Forum (CSF-6) in Bangkok, Thailand from 20 to 22 October 2015.

CSF-6 is a collaborative gathering of cybersecurity stakeholders to discuss issues related to cybersecurity threats such as issues for CERTs/CSIRTs, improving DNS security and combating spam, international collaboration to strengthen trust and confidence in ICT, online privacy, and best practice in cyber legislation and guidelines. Attendees included representatives from national LEAs and CERTs, telecommunications regulators, and ICT ministries from around the Asia Pacific region.

APNIC activities included:

  • Security Specialist, Adli Wahid, presented at the panel discussion “International Collaboration to strengthen trust and confidence in ICT” on day two of the forum. Adli highlighted APNIC’s contribution to improving incident response capabilities in the region through training and capacity development, engagement with LEAs and CERTs, and collaboration with partners such as APCERT.

  • Adli also joined other delegates on a site visit to ThaiCERT’s security operation centre and digital forensics lab. ThaiCERT handles and coordinates cybersecurity incidents at a national level and participates in many initiatives in their country and abroad.
  • Adli also took the opportunity to distribute some RIPE Atlas probes to Cambodia CERT, the Thai e-government, and representatives from the Malaysia Communication & Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

The next APT Cybersecurity Forum is likely to be held in November 2016.

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