3,000 organization objects created in whois so far
As of 31 August 2017, 42% of APNIC Members have reviewed their organization contact details.
As of 31 August 2017, 42% of APNIC Members have reviewed their organization contact details.
The traffic on the public whois service at APNIC continues unabated, but there is a far simpler, better way to query the same information: RDAP.
The APNIC whowas service provides visibility into prior states of APNIC resource registration records.
New whois features will be available in the coming months when the APNIC whois master server update is complete.
Geoff Huston examines the policy proposals discussed at ARIN 39, including those dealing with whois database curation and IPv4 transfers.
APNIC has begun developing a new set of application programming interfaces (APIs) for Members and we want your feedback.
Guest Post: EUROPOL’s Grégory Mounier argues that more detailed policy is required to address whois inaccuracy problems.
Question and answer on the APNIC Policy Development Process and the policy issues to be discussed at APNIC 42.
Sri Lanka’s Criminal Investigation Department will be presenting an alternative view on managing whois data quality at the upcoming Policy SIG at APNIC 42. Here’s what you need to know.
The South Asian Network Operators Group returned to Mumbai, India for their 28th conference – SANOG 28 – held from 1 to 9 August 2016.