An important APNIC project this year is the upgrading of the whois master server code; you may have seen an APNIC presentation on this topic at a recent event, or read George’s post on it in June.
A new feature introduced as part of the whois upgrade is a new ‘organization object‘.
An organization object links to the IP addresses or AS numbers held by an APNIC account holder and contains the organization name, address, and other contact details.
APNIC emailed all authorized Member contacts in mid-July to ask Members to review/update the details to be used to create the organization objects.
At APNIC 44, the Secretariat was pleased to report that close to 3,000 organization objects have been created in whois as of 31 August. This means that 42% of APNIC Members have reviewed their organization contact details – a great response!
We encourage APNIC Members that have not yet reviewed their organization’s details to do so as soon as possible. You can read more on organization objects or view the presentation made at APNIC 44 below.
Troubleshooting for MyAPNIC access can be found here or you can chat with us online.
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