Threat hunting with Yara: The red pill approach
Guest Post: Learn how to combine Yara with other tools to have full control over the condition validation process.
Guest Post: Learn how to combine Yara with other tools to have full control over the condition validation process.
Guest Post: Has the time come to phase out 1,024-bit RSA from the DNSSEC ecosystem?
Guest Post: Learn how to use Yara’s native hexadecimal pattern definition features to create fast rules with fewer false positives and no alarming nested loops.
Does X.509 certificate revocation work as intended, or even work at all?
Guest Post: Learn how to use Yara’s math module and min/max functions to measure distance between patterns.
Guest Post: Get to know how to use Yara with real-life research problems — detecting code evolution and shellcodes.
Guest Post: DNS transparency is a gaping hole in Internet security.
Guest Post: How to use single sign-on to benefit technology selection and deployment.
Guest Post: How integration with OpenID Connect secured the RDAP service of ccTLD .it.
Guest Post: Where to begin when you’re tasked with selecting a strong authentication solution for your organization.