Mobile content hosting infrastructure in China: A view from a cellular ISP
Guest Post: Study finds that China’s cellular content infrastructure is mostly concentrated in a few ISP ASes rather than CDN ASes.
Guest Post: Study finds that China’s cellular content infrastructure is mostly concentrated in a few ISP ASes rather than CDN ASes.
Guest Post: A first-of-its-kind study characterizes cellular network configuration and usage around the world.
Guest Post: IPv6 may provide the key to reducing complexities that could impact the speeds that 5G promises.
Guest Post: Jari Arkko and Jeff Tantsura discuss the latest collaboration between the IETF and 3GPP on 5G technology.
Guest Post: The benefits of peering are well known among ISPs and content delivery networks, but this peering culture has not yet translated to the mobile industry.
Large network operators recently shared their IPv6 deployment stories and how they’re working towards an IPv6-only future.
Guest Post: Recent announcements made by three leading mobile carriers suggest Japan’s IPv6 capabilities are set to increase in 2017.
What changed in Internet addressing in 2016? Geoff Huston examines the numbers and trends.
I attended AINTEC 2016 recently and there were several presentations that stood out for me.
APNIC staff attended GSMA’s 2016 Mobile World Congress held in Shanghai, China.