[Podcast] The APNIC Labs measurement system
Joao Damas explains how the APNIC Labs measurement system works.
Joao Damas explains how the APNIC Labs measurement system works.
What are the UDP buffer sizes used in recursive resolver queries to nameservers, and how effective is truncation in today’s DNS?
Measuring DNS resolver compliance with UDP response truncation standards in an IPv6-only DNS server environment.
Measuring DNS resolver compliance with UDP response truncation standards.
Is an alternative Trust Anchor structure for RPKI feasible?
How APNIC Labs measures ROA production and ROV-invalid filtering.
How APNIC Labs measures the Internet using adverts.
Reconciling different IPv6 extension header measurements.
How concentrated is service delivery across different market segments of users, and between the supply side and request side.
Measuring the robustness of IPv6 extension headers.