Hypergiants are increasingly serving more content via local IPv6 networks
Guest Post: First-of-its-kind study compares IPv6 off-net deployment and latency to IPv4 across 14 hypergiants.
Guest Post: First-of-its-kind study compares IPv6 off-net deployment and latency to IPv4 across 14 hypergiants.
Guest Post: Lessons learned during TCC’s IPv6 deployment.
Measuring DNS resolver compliance with UDP response truncation standards in an IPv6-only DNS server environment.
Guest Post: Analysing the causes and impacts of erroneous domain names in China.
The lives of IPv6 and APNIC have parallels.
A look at current IPv6 numbers, anomalies, and outliers around the region.
Guest Post: The two largest populations in the world, India and China, also boast the most IPv6 users in the world.
Guest Post: Why is extension header usage in IPv6 so low and what can be done to improve it?
Measuring the robustness of IPv6 extension headers.
Guest Post: How connecting the next 40% will require working with the wider Internet community.