Everything, everywhere, all the time (for the Internet at least)
Will LEO Internet change Internet operations significantly in 2023?
Will LEO Internet change Internet operations significantly in 2023?
The issues with building a reverse traceroute tool for the public Internet.
The case for and against DNSSEC deployment.
20 NOGs met to share recent updates and showcase NOG activities at APRICOT 2023.
A lively discussion of operational issues and best practices that help to secure global Internet routing.
How APNIC is measuring user experience, satisfaction, and engagement with the ‘Orbit’ platform.
What does the LEO rush mean for existing connectivity providers, and what are the technical and policy issues?
Attacks on DNS infrastructure, Space Division Multiplexing, and last mile connectivity at APRICOT 2023.
What does the changing surface of the BGP default-free zone mean for routing technology and service providers?
Measuring Internet outages with Google Trends.