
Geoff Huston

Geoff is Chief Scientist at APNIC, where he undertakes research on Internet infrastructure, IP technologies, and address distribution policies. among other topics. He is widely regarded as the preeminent researcher on IPv4 exhaustion, and is routinely referenced by international agencies and frequently quoted by the ICT media.

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BGP in 2016

By on 27 Jan 2017

Geoff Huston analyses BGP trends for 2016 and offers his predictions for IPv4 and IPv6 BGP tables sizes for the next five years.

Let’s Encrypt with DANE

By on 6 Jan 2017

Domain Name certificates used to be expensive. In this post, I’ll walk through the process of setting up good, inexpensive and accessible DNS security using several public tools.

My take on NANOG 68

By on 24 Oct 2016

Geoff Huston shares his thoughts on several presentations that caught his eye at the recent North America Network Operators Group meeting.
