Improving RPKI uptake in the Asia Pacific region
Will government-led initiatives be a significant addition to global routing security?
Will government-led initiatives be a significant addition to global routing security?
Understanding of community needs and desires pertaining to critical APNIC service availability.
Detailing APNIC’s cloud-based approaches to online services.
Share your feedback by 21 June on the availability of critical APNIC services.
The first of a series of new M-Root anycast instances has been deployed as part of an agreement between APNIC, WIDE and JPRS.
The WIDE Project, JPRS and APNIC will work together to expand M-Root DNS services in the Asia Pacific.
Visit the new-look APNIC Academy and take a short survey to tell us what you think of the updated platform. You could win a prize!
The APNIC Academy has launched a new course on ‘Routing Basics’.
The recent APNIC 44 Workshops held in Taichung, Taiwan, attracted 78 participants from 20 economies, with the new technology of SDN proving to be of particular interest.
Guest Post: HKIX is establishing three new satellite sites and updating its current infrastructure in an effort to maintain its position as one of the major Internet exchanges in the Asia Pacific.