Routing topics at RIPE 88
Bgpipe, reclaiming class E space, reconsidering RPKI validation, low-latency RPKI validation, and revisiting BCP 194.
Bgpipe, reclaiming class E space, reconsidering RPKI validation, low-latency RPKI validation, and revisiting BCP 194.
DNSSEC bootstrapping, DELEG update, DNS energy consumption, resolver BCP, and more from RIPE 88.
Should we drop DNSSEC and just move on?
How TCP interacts with the characteristics of the Starlink service.
What lengths are commonly used by network operators to assign site prefixes to each customer?
A look into the recent .nz DNSSEC chain validation incident.
How to extract greater capacity and reach from optical systems. Why is it useful?
Current and competing work items in DNS at the IETF.
Measuring DNS resolver compliance with UDP response truncation standards in an IPv6-only DNS server environment.
Just how ‘devastating’ is the Keytrap vulnerability? How it works, and what the response has been.