The size of the packet

By on 8 Oct 2024

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We’ve now been running packet-switched networks for many decades, and these days, packets not virtual circuits lie behind most of the world’s digital communications services. But some very fundamental questions remain unanswered in this packet-switched world. Perhaps the most basic question is: ‘How big should a packet be?’ Surprisingly enough, there is no clear answer!

The pragmatic default answer for the Internet today is that an Internet packet is between 20 and 1,500 bytes in size. Any larger, and packets are likely to encounter fragmentation with the associated risks of packet discard. Any smaller and the IP packet header is fatally truncated. So, most hosts and applications stick inside the lanes and send packets that adhere to this size range.

We are going to be looking at bits and bytes here, so a quick word about terminology. I have always used the term byte to refer to an 8-bit grouping. Strictly speaking, a byte is a unit of memory size, and while it is usually eight bits in size, some computer architectures have used different grouping sizes. To resolve any potential ambiguity, maybe I should use the term octet to refer to 8-bit groupings, but I’ve tended by life-long habit to just use byte in the sense of an 8-bit word, as I have done here.

See the Wikipedia page on the subject ‘Byte‘ for a longer treatment of this topic if you are interested.

This wasn’t always the case. In September 1981, RFC 791, the Internet Protocol specification, was published. It advised that IP hosts must be prepared to accept IP packets up to 576 bytes (whether they arrive whole or in fragments). Packets larger than 576 bytes were only to be used if the sending host had some assurance that the destination — and the network elements along the packet’s path — were ready to accept datagrams larger than 576 bytes.

The document explains the rationale: “The number 576 is selected to allow a reasonable-sized data block to be transmitted in addition to the required header information. For example, this size allows a data block of 512 octets plus 64 header octets to fit in a datagram. The maximal [IPv4] Internet header is 60 octets and a typical Internet header is 20 octets, allowing a margin for headers of higher-level protocols.”

Enter Ethernet

The original work on a radically different form of high-speed networking for local area networks occurred in the mid-1970s, and the first published description, ‘Ethernet: distributed packet switching for local computer networks‘ dates back to 1976. Ethernet gathered momentum as the network technology of choice for local area computer networks as it was a simple and cost-effective high-speed network solution over medium distances (of a couple of kilometres radius).

The main advantage of Ethernet was its decentralized design. In its simplest form, the network was just a length of coaxial cable. Up to three lengths could be joined by simple signal repeaters. There was no master controller; each host managed its own data clocking and handled contention resolution. It was a common channel broadcast network, where every attached host could see every packet. Ethernet was an ideal match for the emerging personal computer and workstation environments, as the industry shifted from centralized mainframes to more distributed models of information processing.

For 10Mbps Ethernet, frame (or packet) payloads were between 46 and 1,500 bytes, with Ethernet framing adding a further 18 bytes (12 bytes of MAC addresses, 2 bytes of frame length, and 4 bytes of CRC). These frame size numbers were a tradeoff between data timing and network utilization.

There is an ingenious relationship between the minimum Ethernet packet size and the original common bus (CSMA/CD) Ethernet collision sensing algorithm. The one thing Ethernet attempted to maintain was a property whereby a transmitter could always detect if another transmitter was active on the common wire simultaneously, allowing both to abort transmission, back off, and retry later. Hence, an Ethernet frame must be large enough for the leading bit of the packet to propagate to the other end of the Ethernet network and any collision with the leading edge of another transmitter must propagate back to the original transmitter before the frame’s transmission completes. This means the total end-to-end length of the LAN must be no longer than half the minimum frame size.

For the maximum packet size, Ethernet focused on maximizing carriage efficiency rather than sacrificing speed and capacity for data timing integrity. In hindsight, this was an astute design choice.

You could reduce the minimum Ethernet frame size, but that would reduce the maximum LAN diameter, or you could support physically longer LANs but increase the risk of undetected frame collisions for small frames, which would need correction at a higher-level transport protocol.

The speed of light

These considerations relate to the speed of electromagnetic propagation over a copper conductor, which is closely linked to the speed of light in a vacuum.

The speed of light in a vacuum, or the physical constant c, is probably the most researched constant in science. According to electromagnetic theory, its value, when measured in a vacuum, should not depend on the radiation’s wavelength. Einstein’s theory of relativity predicts that the speed of light is independent of the observer’s frame of reference. The speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant.

Estimates of c have been refined since 1638 when Galileo published his estimate of “If not instantaneous, it is extraordinarily rapid” in ‘Two New Sciences’. The currently accepted value is 299,792.458 kilometres per second.

The speed of electrical charge through a conductor is a related value and has also been the subject of experimentation. Perhaps the most unusual experiment occurred in Paris in April 1746, when Jean-Antoine Nollet connected some 200 monks using a mile-long iron wire. When he passed a powerful electric current through the wire, their simultaneous screams demonstrated to Nollet that voltage was transmitted ‘instantaneously’ through the conductor.

The speed of light in glass or fibre-optic cable is significantly slower, at approximately 194,865 kilometres per second. The speed of voltage propagation in copper is slightly faster at 224,844 kilometres per second.

Relating this back to Ethernet, a 10Mbps system running over copper wire carries bits at 0.75 the speed of light in a vacuum, or at 224,844 kilometres per second. This means that 64 bytes at 10Mbps will be contained in 11.51 km of copper cable, or an ‘up and back’ signal propagation length of 5.75km of conductor. The original Ethernet design specifications allowed for three 500m runs of coaxial copper cable, two repeaters, and a generous overhead to account for physical misconfigurations!

The maximal packet rate on a 10Mbps Ethernet was around 15,000 small packets per second, or a packet every 65 microseconds. With silicon processing clocking in the low MHz frequencies in the late 1980s, there was an approximate match between transmission performance and silicon switching capabilities.

What about the maximal Ethernet frame size of 1,518 bytes? The trade-off here is that longer maximal frame sizes allow for greater carriage efficiency, as the 18-byte frame overhead is amortised over a greater data payload, while shorter maximal packets reduce the average wait time when there is contention between multiple transmitters. A binary argument would propose 1,024 or 2,048 bytes as a maximal payload size, and 1,500 feels like some form of compromise between these two values.

This would not be the first time that such compromises have appeared in networking technology. The design of the 48-byte (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) ATM payload was apparently the outcome of a committee compromise between advocates of a 32-byte payload, intended to reduce potential jitter in ATM networks, and advocates of a 64-byte payload, intended to improve data carriage efficiency.


For a short period in the early 1990s, it looked as though the next generation of local networks would use a 100Mbps token-ring architecture, called Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI). The network itself offered a payload range from zero (just the FDDI headers) to a maximally sized frame payload of up to 4,478 bytes.

In retrospect, it’s apparent that FDDI never really picked up critical momentum in deployment. It was used in scenarios where aggregate network capacity over 10Mbps was necessary. In many cases, it did not replace 10Mbps Ethernets but acted as a common core that supported multiple 10Mbps edge Ethernets. At the time, 10Mbps Ethernet adapters for hosts were far cheaper than FDDI, so individual hosts continued to use 10Mbps LAN connections, while common servers may have used FDDI connections.

However, mapping between Ethernet and FDDI was not a simple matter of reframing and passing the packet onward. The byte order on FDDI is ‘big-endian’ while Ethernet uses ‘little-endian’ byte order (I have no idea why these two LAN technologies diverged at such a fundamental level, but it mirrored the divergence in bit-order storage models in processors that have lingered through to today). More importantly than bit twiddling, the maximum IP packet size on an FDDI network is larger than that of Ethernet, and a simple FDDI-to-Ethernet bridge unit would be forced to discard large FDDI packets.

Such hybrid FDDI/Ethernet deployments commonly use a router to perform the mapping between the two LAN technologies, and in the case of IPv4, large packets would be fragmented when passing from an FDDI to an Ethernet interface. Such a routing solution to interconnect ‘feeder’ Ethernets to an FDDI core was by no means optimal, and the overheads of router fragmentation and host reassembly ate into the underlying performance gains of the 100Mbps FDDI system and more importantly, added to the cost of such hybrid LANs.

Faster Ethernet

In 1995, the IEEE 802.3u specification for 100Mbps Ethernet was published (Fast Ethernet). The system dispensed with a passive common bus and replaced it with an active switching hub to which hosts were attached (the use of Ethernet Switches had already happened in many 10M Ethernet deployments in any case as a means of improving overall network capacity). The Ethernet framing protocol was maintained, and the 10Mbps Ethernet packet size ranges were preserved. The potential peak packet rate lifted by a factor of 10, to 150,000 small (64-byte) packets per second and 823 large (1,518-byte) packets per second.

Three years later, in 1998, the IEEE 802.3ab was released, specifying 1Gbps Ethernet. 10Gbps Ethernet was specified in around 2002. The next factor of 10 speed increase took a little longer, and by around 2015, 100Gbps Ethernet was entering the market. Current efforts are focused on completing the Terabit Ethernet (TbE) specification.

Across this program of speed increases for Ethernet, there was no fundamental change to the supported frame sizes. Once Ethernet dispensed with the common bus model and the associated contention detection and management and turned to what is, in effect, a collection of point-to-point serial connections using common packet switching hubs, there was no need to tie Ethernet packet sizes to a particular set of network constraints. The desire to support backward compatibility, which allowed for plug-and-play hybrid Ethernet networks, far outweighed any marginal advantages in carriage efficiency that could have been gained by changing the base Ethernet packet size specification.

The result is that Ethernet at Tb speeds implies a peak packet rate of around 1.5 billion small packets per second and 82 million large packets per second.

Jumbo packet sizes

In 30 years, we’ve managed to increase transmission speeds in local networks by an astounding 100,000-fold. At the same time, processor clock speeds have increased from around 100MHz to 5GHz — a far more modest (but still impressive) 50-fold increase. Today’s silicon switching systems can only keep pace with network transmission systems if most packets are large.

It’s not as if the issues of the increasing disparity between transmission and silicon processing clock speeds have gone completely unnoticed, particularly in high-density data centres. For more than two decades, some vendors of Ethernet switches and network interfaces have supported Ethernet frame sizes larger than the IEEE 802.3 standard 1,518-byte maximum frame size. The scale of this change is not dramatic, and the common 9,000-byte maximum frame size in these so-called Ethernet jumbo-frames represents just a sixfold increase in frame size.

There are, however, several issues with these jumbo frames, including the inability of the IEEE to provide a single definitive standard for jumbo frames on 802.3 networks. Some network equipment supports larger jumbo frames, while others support smaller sizes. The construction of end-to-end paths that use a variety of transmission technologies does not help. Many of these links may use a common Ethernet frame format, but that does not mean there is a consistent end-to-end maximum frame size beyond the 1,518-byte 802.3 standard. Hosts could perform a form of path MTU discovery if desired, but this discovery process consumes time. In many scenarios, the fastest approach is to avoid this MTU discovery step and just work with 1,500-byte packets as the effective MTU.

It is also worth noting that much of the host-based pressure to introduce larger frames was dispelled with the introduction of network interface cards that perform TCP segmentation offload. The host can send and receive large frames to the network interface, offloading a high per-packet processing load from the host processor, as the incremental load of interfacing to the network with smaller packets is handled by the network interface processor. For example, with Large Send Offload (LSO), a 65,535-byte data bundle can be passed from the host to the network interface, which then performs segmentation into 45 1,460-byte TCP segments that are passed into the network.

The Internet Protocol does not have a clear story when it comes to large packets. IP (both IPv4 and IPv6) supports packets of up to 65,535 bytes in size (due to the 16-bit packet length field in the IP headers for both protocols), but in practice, very large IP packets are not a robust choice for the public Internet.

The problem lies in IP fragmentation. As noted earlier, the path of greatest assurance, without resorting to the costs of path MTU discovery, is to assume an MTU size of around 1,460 bytes. Larger packets are more likely to require fragmentation to be passed through the network, and the issue is that trailing fragments do not contain the transport headers, which presents a problem for various forms of security-related middleware found in networks.

The tradeoff is to incur the incremental cost of data segmentation in the sending host and send packets that have a high probability of not requiring any form of packet fragmentation, rather than run the risk of session performance degradation when recovering from silent packet discard.

Transmission vs silicon

It seems curious that the story of the Internet parallels the story of Ethernet, where large-scale increases in the clocking speed of data, from 10Mbps to 1Tbps, have been achieved within the same packet size range. The implication is that each increment in network speed comes at a cost of greater processing intensity, where the overall picture of processor clock speed improvements and memory cycle times are not increasing at anywhere near the same rate.

The processing response has been to make up the difference with increasing levels of parallelism in processors and load distribution through offloading. So far, it appears that processing has roughly kept pace with the network, but it’s unclear how long this can last.

The pressure on processing speeds would be relieved, to some extent, by a shift to supporting some increase in maximum packet sizes in the network, but it’s not clear if there is a critical mass of support behind such changes. Path MTU discovery has not been enthusiastically embraced.

I noticed in the Proceedings of the November 1989 IETF Meeting that the MTU Discovery Working Group was chartered to work on this problem, and anticipated some form of completion of this work by April 1990!

It appears that for many end-host network implementations, the faster approach is to simply pick an MTU that has a high assurance of working through most networks and leave path MTU discovery as an option for those applications that could make use of the larger packet size, even at the incremental cost of performing the discovery.

In that vein, it’s interesting to note that the IEEE 802 Wi-Fi specification defines an MTU of 2,304 bytes, yet most host implementations use an MTU value of 1,500 to reduce the potential packet loss pitfalls when moving from the Wi-Fi access network to the next hops in the full path).

It is also interesting to note that the QUIC transport protocol takes this one step further and by default uses an MTU of 1,200 bytes. Yes, it is an option for QUIC to use path MTU discovery, but it appears that the default behaviour is to simply use this option. It’s just quicker and simpler!

While platforms continue to scale in terms of speed, it appears that network stacks are reluctant to take on the agenda of effective and efficient path MTU discovery. Indeed, the current view is to trim packets down in size to avoid any need for IP-level packet fragmentation. It seems odd in an environment of continually increased transmission speeds, but when packet size is concerned, we appear to be saying that 1,500 bytes is a pragmatic ceiling for packet sizes, and there are no signs of imminent movement in this position for the larger Internet. I don’t think the original Ethernet designers thought that their initial choice of 1,500 bytes would remain sticky for the ensuing 50 years (and likely longer)!

The engineering consensus for packet sizes on the public Internet seems to range from 20 to 1,500 bytes, based on the original 10Mbps Ethernet. However, the initial question was: ‘What should the ideal packet size be?’

The larger the packet payload, the greater the carriage efficiency. With IPv4, a 1,500 byte is 97% efficient (payload to total IP packet size) while in IPv6 it is 96% efficient. The use of 802.3 Jumbo packets, at 9,000 bytes is 99.6% efficient (IPv4) and 99.3% efficient (IPv6). So bigger is better — right?

On the other hand, the larger the packet the greater the likelihood that noise will add bit errors to the payload, and if a constant size cyclic redundancy checksum is being used, the larger the packet the greater the possibility of undetected bit errors. In a single channel media, larger packets block access to the media for all others while the packet is being used, which adds jitter to network paths. In an ACK-paced sliding window protocol, such as TCP, the sender infers the state of the network path from the implicit signalling within the ACK stream. Reducing the density of these ACK signals, as is the case with larger packets, reduces the ability of the sender to adjust its sending behaviour to attempt to match the available network conditions.

If we accept the design tradeoffs of the original 10Mbps Ethernet then the comparable packet size range for a 1Tbs Ethernet would be 6.4M bytes to 151M bytes. This seems like an insane volume of padding to place a 40-byte ACK packet in a 6.4M byte frame! The alternative is to keep the original minimum packet size of 64 bytes, which implies that the receiver needs to process incoming packet rates of between 823 (large) to 1.5B (small) packets per second.

If we are not willing to change the minimum frame size, what should the maximum frame size be?

If hosts (and applications) are unwilling to perform path MTU discovery due to time overhead, and the application is comfortable with the efficiency of 1,518-byte frame size, why not simply use this value as the host’s interface MTU? The advantage of this approach is that there is a high assurance that this frame size will work across the entire spectrum of Ethernet-framed networks. If hosts (and network interface cards) use this size as the default MTU, they will avoid reliability issues and won’t need to handle size adaptation when the local network’s MTU differs from that of other path components. Here I am referring specifically to the IPv6 fragmentation implementation and the robustness issues of signalling fragmentation needs between network and attached host. All these issues are avoided if the host simply uses a 1,500-byte MTU.

So, how big should a packet be? Today’s answer is the same as the answer given for 10Mbps Ethernet 50 years ago. Any size between 46 and 1,500 bytes is a reasonable answer for use within the public Internet.

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