Event Wrap: VNNIC Internet Conference 2024

By on 1 Jul 2024

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From left: Ms. Nguyen Thi Oanh, Mr. Nguyen Truong Giang, Mr. Le Ngoc Duc, Mr. Nguyen Hong Thang, Paul Wilson, Sunny Chendi, Mr. Nguyen Truong Thanh, Ms. Thi Thu Thuy Nguyen, Ms. Truong Khanh Huyen presenting renewed MoU

APNIC participated in the Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) Internet Conference 2024 held in Hanoi, Viet Nam from 4 to 7 June 2024.

The four-day event welcomed over 350 attendees, including Internet leaders, industry experts, and engineers who participated in workshops and talks on topics such as Internet infrastructure, emerging technologies, IPv6, DNS, cybersecurity and much more. View the agenda for more information.

APNIC activities:

  • Paul Wilson gave a keynote presentation where he discussed challenges in ensuring secure and sustainable Internet infrastructure in the development of emerging technologies.
  • Paul was also a panellist during the session on ‘Secure and sustainable Internet infrastructure in the development of emerging technologies’.
  • Shane Hermoso delivered a presentation titled ‘Measuring and understanding the Route Origin Validation (ROV) in RPKI’.
  • Geoff Huston delivered a remote presentation on Internet fragmentation and its effect on the trust and security of Internet.
  • Shane, with the support of VINNIC staff Nguyen Van Tri, Phan Xuan Dzung and Nguyen Thanh Nhan, conducted a two-day workshop on IPv6 Security for 30 participants.
  • Sunny Chendi conducted one-day workshop on ‘Youth’s role in building trust and security of Internet’ for 30 ICT university students.
  • During the visit, APNIC and VNNIC renewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to demonstrate their continued friendship, partnership, and commitment to collaboration and cooperation.
  • Paul, Sunny and Karla Skarda also joined the APAC IPv6 Council, which was attended by 12 participants from various organizations interested in the promotion and adoption of IPv6 in the Asia Pacific region. During this meeting Paul presented on ‘Seizing the IPv6 advantage: For a Bigger, Faster, Stronger Internet’.
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