APNIC is pleased to announce that APNIC 54 will include a face-to-face event in Singapore in September 2022.
The conference will provide full online participation support so all attendees – online or in-person – receive the best possible conference experience.
APrIGF and APSIG intend to co-locate their 2022 meetings with APNIC 54. More information about APNIC 54, including the venue, dates, online participation options, partner meetings and other details, will be announced soon.
The 2022 APNIC Fellowship program will include travel to attend APNIC 54 in Singapore. The deadline for Fellowship applications has been extended nine days until Sunday, 3 April 2022 at 23:45 UTC +10. You can apply here.
This will be the first time an APNIC conference has included a face-to-face component since APNIC 49 in March 2020 (held in Melbourne, Australia, in conjunction with APRICOT 2020).
As previously announced, the usual ‘rotation‘ of the location of APRICOT and APNIC conferences has been suspended since the start of the pandemic, but a decision to restart it will be considered by APNOG and APNIC in the coming months. When the conference rotation restarts, the first face-to-face APRICOT will be held in Manila, Philippines.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to APNIC 54 in September!
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Success for APNIC 54