APNIC supported and participated at the first Mongolian Network Operators Group (mnNOG 1) meeting in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, from 16 to 20 September 2019.
mnNOG 1 came about after an official meeting in March 2019, where the Program Committee, Coordination Team and mailing list (hosted by APNIC) were established. APNIC’s Training Manager, Tashi Phuntsho, participated remotely in this meeting and shared his experiences helping to establish NOGs in the region.
Read more: Preparations in full swing for first Mongolia NOG Meeting.
The mnNOG coordination team recognized APNIC as a Founding Partner of mnNOG 1, and thanked APNIC for continuing to provide support.
APNIC activities:
- Geoff Huston presented a keynote on DNS privacy and DNS over HTTPS (DoH).
- Tashi presented on Internet routing security.
- At the Closing Plenary, Tashi gave an overview of the Network Security and Packet Analysis workshop, and also gave an update on btNOG — what worked and didn’t work — in his role as a btNOG committee member.
- Also at the Closing Plenary, Che-Hoo Cheng spoke about the APNIC Academy’s new IPv6 Fundamentals course, the Academy’s multilingual options, including Mongolian (which was warmly received), and eduroam access for APNIC Members. Che-Hoo also invited participants to attend Peering Asia 3.0 in Kuala Lumpur in early November 2019.
- Tashi helped conduct the Network Security and Packet Analysis workshop alongside FreeBSD Foundation’s Philip Paeps and local instructors, Tugsorsikh and Baasandorj Batbaatar, to 33 participants.
- mnNOG 1 held a Route Origin Authorization (ROA) signing social on Day 4 of the workshop week, where Tashi and the team helped four networks create their ROAs, and also discussed issues around deaggregation, ROA max-length issues and cleaning up IRR objects (route/route6 and IRT).
- Geoff was interviewed by Bloomberg TV Mongolia about mnNOG 1 and his presentation.
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