APNIC has implemented three community-approved policy proposals.
prop-125: Validation of “abuse-mailbox” and other IRT emails
This new policy will improve the accuracy of the APNIC Whois Database and ensure the contact details of those responsible for solving network abuse issues are current and contactable. From 30 June 2019, all contacts registered in Incident Response Team (IRT) whois objects must be validated every six months. To meet the new policy requirements, the IRT contact must respond to an APNIC email by validating a unique code. This demonstrates the abuse-mailbox is monitored and responsive to legitimate abuse reports.
APNIC policy and the membership agreement require all contact details to be accurate and up-to-date. Failure to validate these contacts after 15 days will result in the IRT whois objects being marked as ‘Invalid’. If there is no action after 30 days, access to MyAPNIC will be limited until the contacts are validated.
APNIC Members should ensure they have access to MyAPNIC to check their IRT contacts are responding to the validation request.
For more information about IRT contacts, please visit the APNIC website.
prop-128: Multihoming not required for ASN
Multihoming is no longer required to request an Autonomous System Number (ASN). This allows organizations with their own routing policy to interconnect with another AS.
prop-129: Abolish waiting list for unmet IPv4 requests
The waiting list, established for IPv4 requests that could not be fulfilled from the non-103/8 IPv4 Recovered Pool, has been abolished. All recovered IPv4 address space APNIC receives from IANA, or through account closures or returns, will be treated under the same allocation policy as the final /8 (103/8). APNIC account holders will only be eligible to receive up to a /23 from this address space.
Once APNIC runs out of all IPv4 address space, a new waiting list will be created for new requests that cannot be fulfilled. These requests will be fulfilled in the order they are received as space becomes available.
Participate in policy – Have your say!
Influence how APNIC manages Internet number resources and propose a policy. The call for proposals for the Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 48 in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday, 12 September is open now. If you’re not sure what is involved in submitting a policy proposal, here’s a handy guide to help you.
Good policy relies on a range of opinions. Everyone can participate. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have — it’s a great way to build your reputation and contribute to the Internet.
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC. Please note a Code of Conduct applies to this blog.