APNIC’s Sunny Chendi participated at the 11th Asia Pacific Telecommunity Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific (APT PRFP-11) held from 27 to 29 November 2018 in Apia, Samoa. This year’s forum was hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Government of Samoa.
The objective of the forum was to bring together the Pacific region’s telecommunications and ICT policy makers and regulators for a dialogue on contemporary telecom and Internet issues.
Topics discussed included ‘Trends on ICT Policy and Regulation/Updates for the Pacific’, ‘AI and IoT for the Pacific’, and ‘Internet connectivity of the Pacific and its beyond’.
Before the event, APT, in collaboration with the Internet Society and APNIC, organized an ‘Internet Connectivity Workshop on Ensuring Sustainable Connectivity in the Pacific’ on 26 November for around 40 participants. ICANN also joined as a partner organization.
APNIC’s activities included:
Internet Connectivity Workshop on Ensuring Sustainable Connectivity in the Pacific
- Sunny Chendi delivered the welcome remarks at the Opening Plenary.
- He also moderated the session, ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Connectivity in the Pacific’.
- He participated as a panellist at the ‘Enabler for a Better Connected Pacific’ session and presented on IPv6 Readiness in the Pacific and CERTs.
- He participated as a panellist in the ‘Wrap-up Panel Discussion towards Sustainable Connectivity in the Pacific’ session.
- He participated as a panellist for the ‘Internet Connectivity of the Pacific and Beyond’ and presented an update on IXPs.
- He also spoke at the Closing Plenary.
APNIC thanks the outgoing Chair, Mr Charles Punaha, CEO of The National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA), for his long-term contribution to this forum and congratulates the new Chair, Mrs Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua Fonoti, Regulator, Office of the Regulator, Samoa for her appointment to the position.
APT PRFP-12 will be hosted by Palau in May 2019.
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