The APNIC Training team had another busy year in 2016, delivering 62 face-to-face courses to 1,934 people across 25 economies in the Asia Pacific.
We also delivered 130 eLearning classes to 883 attendees. The recordings of these have been viewed 132,532 times on APNIC Training’s YouTube channel.
It also marked the first time we visited and delivered training courses to the Marshall Islands and the Federated State of Micronesia.
Other highlights from the year included:
- Continuing to provide strong support to the Internet operational training needs of Network Operator Groups (NOGs) and peering forum conferences throughout the region, including delivering training at eight NOG events (bdNOG x 1, IDNOG x 1, HKNOG x 1, TWNOG x 1, PacNOG x 2, SANOG x 2), the MyIX’s peering forum, and APRICOT and APNIC conferences.
- Partnering with several CERTs and ITU regional offices to provide workshops on cybersecurity incident handling issues for government telecom regulation professionals and law enforcement agencies.
- Inviting local/regional “Community Trainers” to join the training team to cater for the growing demand for local content and make our workshops even more interactive.
Continuing to develop coursework and resources
To support the hands-on Internet operational technology training needs, in 2016 we upgraded our training lab to act as a live ISP network with proper IP core, customer access, data centre, multi-homing transit and IXP network. This allows participants to experience a comprehensive working environment during the workshop exercises.
We also updated our existing Internet Resource Management, Network Security and DNS/DNSSEC courses to reflect technology changes, and added more hands-on lab exercises. We revamped our existing MPLS course with updated course curriculum, presentation materials and more structured hands-on exercises.
We introduced three new eLearning courses, including one on Software-Defined Networking (SDN). We will start delivering a number of SDN courses in 2017.
Developing a new eLearning training platform
The training team invested a considerable amount of time developing an online based training delivery platform, which we will launch in 2017. The platform includes several self-paced online courses including IRM, Network Security and other technical courses.
Thanks to our 2016 hosts
Finally, a special thank you to all our 2016 hosts for their support and assistance, both financially and logistically. The successful delivery of the workshops would not have been possible without the support of the following organizations:
- American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) Professional Development Institute (PDI)
- Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII)
- China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC)
- Federated States of Micronesia Telecommunications Corporation
- Habib University, Karachi
- Lagoon New Caledonia
- Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
- Malaysia Internet Exchange (MyIX)
- Marshall Islands National Telecommunication Authority
- Maximum Business Information Technology (MaxBIT)
- Micro Logic Systems (MLS), New Caledonia
- National Information Technology Professionals Association of Afghanistan (NITPAA)
- Office of the Government Chief Information Office (OGCIO), Vanuatu
- OPT Nouvelle-Caledonie
- Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA)
- Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA)
- Philippine Cable Television Association, Inc. (PCTA)
- University of the Philippines Information Technology Development Center (UP ITDC)
The Training team is looking forward to an even busier 2017 and hopes to welcome you to a training event soon!
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC. Please note a Code of Conduct applies to this blog.
Many many thanks to APNIC Training team for their effort in developing skills and knowledge of internetworking professionals. Personally I took part two training events in last year (bdNOG5, APNIC42) supported by APNIC and found those very informative to enhance my knowledge in Advanced Routing and MPLS. I hope they will keep continue this good work and will bring much more for us. Special Thanks to Roman Bhai and Fakrul Bhai and their other team members. I am really proud of you.