Internet Exchange Nepal (NPIX) held their 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, 6 August 2016 in Kathmandu.
The AGM coincided with the inaugural Nepal Network Operators Group meeting – NPNOG 0.5 – which was overseen by ad-hoc committee president, Samit Jana.
Around 35 people attended both events, including NPIX members and observers from the Internet Society Nepal, the Internet Service Providers’ Association of Nepal (ISPAN), the Nepal Research & Education Network (NREN), and APNIC.
APNIC activities:
- Sunny Chendi was invited to present an update on APNIC’s role and activities in the region, during which he stressed the importance of RPKI.
- Sunny also shared with the ad-hoc committee the experiences of other NOGs in the Asia Pacific region, and discussed with the committee their goals and plan for the next NPNOG meeting.
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