APNIC attended the 7th ITU CWG-Internet Committee Meeting held from 17 to 18 February 2016, at the ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland.
The Council Working Group on international internet-related public policy issues (CWG-Internet) discusses a wide range of Internet issues that have public policy implications, including Internet governance principles, enabling access, and interconnectivity. The group is limited to ITU Member States, with open consultation to all stakeholders.
The meeting also coincided with the 2nd Physical Open Consultation Meeting of the CWG-Internet, held on 15 February at the same venue – at which respondents to the online open consultation were given the opportunity to present their submitted views and discuss with participants including members of the CWG-Internet – as well the 28th meeting of the CWG on WSIS, held on 18-19 February 2016.
APNIC activities included:
- Klee Aiken, APNIC’s External Relations Manager, attended all three ITU meetings.
- Prior to the meetings, Klee also participated in and presented at the International Security Cyber Issues Workshop hosted by UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and held from 9 to 10 February in Geneva, Switzerland. The workshop was convened to review progress in the development of norms for responsible State behaviour in cyberspace and to discuss and develop new ideas and norms to help lay the groundwork for the next UN Group of Government Experts (UNGGE) meeting.APNIC attended the workshop to provide insights from the technical community to these discussions. (It was the first time that the technical community was invited to engage with states active within the UNGGE).
- Klee also took the chance to meet with local representatives from ICANN and ISOC to discuss potential areas for cooperation and coordination.
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