APNIC staff were invited to observe the Forum on Internet of Things in Smart Sustainable Cities: A New Age of Smarter Living, held in Singapore, Monday 18 January 2016.
Organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), this forum discussed the development of global standards for the Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications, including smart cities and communities.
The forum was staged in conjunction with the second meeting of the recently-formed ITU Study Group 20, and is of interest to APNIC as part of the preparations for the World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly (WTSA-16) which is expected to be held in Hammamet, Tunisia in October this year.
The WTSA-16 is an important world conference on the ITU event calendar as it dictates much of the ITU-T sector’s working methods and objectives for the coming four years.
Around 150 participants from 14 ITU member states and 36 organizations attended the event including IoT experts and smart city stakeholders from industry, government and academia.
APNIC activity included:
- Internet Policy Development Consultant, Adam Gosling, attended the conference as an observer on behalf of APNIC. Adam’s report on the event is available on the blog.
- While in Singapore Adam also met with representatives of the Singapore Infocomm Development Authority, the Singapore Network Operators Group, and the Singapore Internet Exchange, regarding a range of collaborative, community development projects.
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