CyberGreen tackles malware

By on 4 Sep 2015

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Malicious activity increasingly threatens the great benefits cyberspace provides by undermining trust.

By the end of 2014, 317 million pieces of new malware were created and more than one third of computers around the world were estimated to be infected.

Existing approaches to reduce malicious activity have had limited impact because we mostly focused on reactive response and are not fully addressing the root cause underlining environment of the problem.

Policy makers are increasingly focusing cybersecurity efforts in support of national security agendas. Most policies and dialogues on managing cybersecurity seek to win a competition rather than promoting global collaboration.

Overall, people are losing faith in the ability of governments and the community to protect the cyberspace ecosystem.

CyberGreen offers a collaborative approach to cybersecurity

CyberGreen seeks to aggregate data and provide metrics to measure risk conditions globally through collaboration and data sharing partnerships – including partnerships with national CERTs.

A central goal for CyberGreen is to assist policy makers in identifying areas of the Internet that need additional attention and resources due to their risk conditions.

We would like to partner and assist organizations that play a significant role in remediation efforts such as cleanups, botnet take downs and identifying and remediation vulnerable node. National CERTs and Network operators are encouraged to sign up and explore CyberGreen’s portal to give us guidance and feedback on what would help you engage with your policy makers.

We have industry-leading experts such as Dan Geer, Barry Greene, Paul Vixie, David Watson, Pat Cain and our partner CSIRT Gadgets Foundation’s Wes Young and Gabe Iovino and many more working on enhancing the delivery of the most relevant metrics needed to clean up the cyber ecosystem.

In 2016 CyberGreen plans to become a global non-profit entity with multiple global sponsors – it currently operates under sponsorship from JPCERT/CC.

We encourage you to contact us to find out more and discuss how we can work together.

Learn more about CyberGreen @ Asia Pacific CERT 6-10 September


CyberGreen will be showcasing its portal at the Asia Pacific CERT (APCERT) and Organization of Islamic Cooperation CERT (OIC-CERT) joint AGM and conference – view the agenda. The theme of this year’s conference is “Bridge the World – Go CyberGreen!”

Participating in these kinds of events allows us to gain better insight into the opportunities and challenges faced by the CERT/CSIRTs community in Asia Pacific and globally. This helps us to create unique tools to best serve our partners.

Also, we are excited to announce that we are in the process of rolling out the next version of our portal soon after the conference and our remediation routing and catalog starting in December 2015.

CyberGreen provides a path towards a sustainable global cybersecurity approach. I hope APCERT and APNIC members working together can help make this vision reality.

Yurie Ito is Director of JPCERT/CC and Project Lead of CyberGreen

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